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Fu Yung (158609)
Location : L World Studio, Surabaya rnModel : Liza rnMUA : Ifa rnWardrobe : L World Factory rn rnNikon D200 V3+ OYEEE rnwith Nikon AFS 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 DX rnISO : 200 , 1/125 sec @f/13 , EV 0 , FL = 46mm rn rn rn rnIf pain is our line, rnThe one that connects us in life, rnshould we hold on rn rnOur dreams,ambitions and passion rnOur plans for the future,our combined goals rnA life with status,respect and adoration rnour wishes and hope destroyed at once rnWithout those things to connect us, rna life together is even worse than alone rnwe all need two sides of the story rn rnTwo sides,one can become a reflection rnof the truth or a lie rnYou'll be judging soon rnTwo sides,they both have their emotions, rnopinions and thoughts rnon who's to blame on reality,can you tell rn rnIf pain is our line rnThe one that connects us in lief, rnshould we hold on rnrnrnrn rnrnThanks by dropped in, C&C are welcomes .... thanks & GBU alls
10 tahun yang lalu
14 tahun yang lalu
Makin ganas V3nya kak Fu Yung...
beauty shot yang apik nih bro..keren dengan 2 sisi warna yg kontras..salam hangat..
ngerii hasilnya om fuyung ini...
guanas.......... hanya itu kata yang tepat..................... salam "The Patiakers"
detail dan warnanya benar2 mengagumkan... juga terkesan penuh misteri
i lop kolorpul....bener-bener berwarna
Tonenya cakep om....Tajem n detailnya mantappp......Nice...
coloring nya mantab tnan Cak, gradasin'e wuapik polllll....salam
whwewhee... asikkk euy.. ky pilem betmen :D nice cak.. salamsenyum -u1-
Detail matanya Luar biasa... tone nya oke punya. salam
selalu tampil beda mas,... keren...salam
cuakep sekale...................... asyik Om... salam
Top tenan ...Yung
tajem pisaan... mulus banget... permainan dual tone yang menawan mas... salam
keren banget mas.....
Two sides......mantappppp Ko........olahannya halusssss banget.....three thumbs for you.
wwwooooowww great capture
wow......... sgt berkonsep.... keren eksekusinya.......... detailnya jg tajem
sadddiiss, eksekusi warna yang menarik, sungguh cantik terlihat dalam tonal ir, salut om fu. salam.
wow... tajem banget.. skintonesnya cakep... dibagi dua tonalnya... salam IR:)
wowwwwww....hebatt nihhhhh gua salut ommmmm bikinnya harus pake kejelian tinnggi TOP............TOP TOP TOP
ckckckcckckkkk... master satu ini... muanteb nendang tonalnya....
Uedan! spektakuler cak