Closer To God 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


I don't know why my mom always close her eyes and never stop praying when we were inside the aeroplane.
rnIt was cool in there. Flying and see the clouds hanging above the Islands.
rnI feel closer to God. My mom said God is up there.
rnShe told me if I believe, truly believe in something like Ghost, I would be able to see it. If I don't believe in Ghost, I wouldn't see it.
rnBut yesterday I asked her, "I believe in God, why can't I see Him?"
rnMy mom said nothing.
rnShe hasn't say anything about that now either.
rnI guess mothers don't always know everything, then.
rnIt's alright, Mak..
rnI still love you.
rnGoodnight everyone, past my bedtime. mom help me with the frame and uploading. Thank you.

Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/4.0
  • Speed: n/a
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Sony Cybershot DSC-P41 *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Andy Ong (76877)

17 tahun yang lalu


 Ngakan KEBO Maesa (8755)

18 tahun yang lalu

Good Concept..... I think you've grown up a bit farther than I have when I was about your age.... Yeah, there's no mom in the world would know everything you ask, but that's why you will love her every day and getting more every single of it... :)

 Stella Noviani (42531)

18 tahun yang lalu

Dear Fira, Do you miss your mother when you can see her everyday? No I guess, maybe even having a fight or questioning her all the time, haha.... It's the same with God, we just miss Him more when we don't see Him...:) Anyway you're right, we can see God in all the goods around us, like the clouds you see from above, it's beautiful Fira! ;) salam!

Bening R. Pratita (227)

18 tahun yang lalu

gila!bagus bgt,,,gw suka bgt pemandangan dari atas

 Febiansyah Kartadinata Rachim (10449)

18 tahun yang lalu

duh... dalem !!! jleb !!! wow !!! wew !!! huaaaaaa..!!! duh bingung mau bilang apa lagi.. pokoknya itu deh komentar saya!!! hehehehehe...!!! salam

 Adinda Lasmi Kartika Rini (31899)

18 tahun yang lalu

nice.... : ) salam hormat -AdindA-

 Peric Ferryanto (102054)

18 tahun yang lalu

cakep sekale tonennya top momentnya top shot salam....

Dicky Purnawanto (1635)

18 tahun yang lalu

Dalam banget... Tonenya suka sekali...