FYI: Olympus dust removal system wins Japanese invention award

Oleh: Abdul Barry (3150)    13 tahun yang lalu


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Olympus's dust reduction system, incorporated both in its E-series DSLRs and Micro Four Thirds cameras has won an award in Japan's National Invention Awards 2010. The awards are organized by the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (JIII) every June to honor the most significant patents of awarded in the previous year. Olympus Development Division manager Kawai Sumio will receive the award sponsored by national newspaper Asahi Shimbun, for the dust reduction system. The original patent application was made in December 2000, with the technology first appearing in the company's E-1 DSLR in 2003.

Hmmm, pantesan selama pakai DSLR (E-500, E-1, E-330, E-620) ngga pernah kena masalah debu nempel di sensor, bahkan saat gonta-ganti lensa di tengah padang pasir Bromo. baru di ep-1 aja tuh pernah sampai debu nempel di sensor. Moga2 keep improving di model2 berikutnya ;)

CHeers :)

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