Chanson de Porong: the greed, the mud and hopes

Oleh:  Karolus Naga (50633)    15 tahun yang lalu


May, 29th 2006, massive hot mudflow from beneath Porong's soil reached the surface through the drilling pipe of Lapindo Brantas. The hot mudflow then turns the surface into a sea of mud. Houses, framings, ranches, industrial area, government's offices, banks and transportation wounded badly.

The life of Porong's residents has been changed from that date until now. Just like a ship without sailor, drifts in the sea of mud with no directions to go. The hot mudflow forced them to leave their comfort home sweet home and all belongings hopelessly.

The mud has flooding everything except one thing, a hope for a bright new day in the future, on a peaceful dwelling area just like the one they used to have. Just before the greed of human being for the natural resources destroy everything as now.

Karolus Naga 2009

ps: thanks for the space. captions are embeded. special thanks to Muhammad Sujai, Erri Putri and KOPDAR.

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