Circle of Light has started!

Oleh: Jeffrey Yap (572)    19 tahun yang lalu


Hi...all at FN,

Some of you may have known abt the Circle of Lght B&W photocommunity when we did the last Crossing Bridges trip in Jogjakarta in August 2004.

Yes..after much planning & hard work, we're finally set up.

You may like to sign up and post yu views of images at our forum. Take a look at our forum. We aim to promote & facilitate members in sharing & learning about B&W photography in Singapore and other countries.
FN and Singaporean photographers have been long entwined in a long time friendship and we would like to invite all FN members to join in our new B&W movement. We hope to see more cross countries' exchange coming up between the 2 communities.

The URL of the forum is:

Hope to see you all there.

Not sure if this is the correct subforum to post this mailer. If not, pls assist to shift it to a more appropriate section. Thanks. Oh....I really need to brush up my Bahasa Melayu.

Jeffrey Yap
for COL

Re: Circle of Light has started!

Oleh:  Yadi Yasin (116383)    19 tahun yang lalu


Thx for the info Jeffrey

Re: Circle of Light has started!

Oleh: Jeffrey Yap (572)    18 tahun yang lalu


No problem. We hope to see more FN members in the forum.